Оur professional team

A team of lawyers with extensive experience

We put the client's legal interest above all other interests.

Each client requires legal aid, attention, consultations, a desired outcome of their requests, as well as a professional, expeditious and successful engagement. Clients get this from us.

Тhe priority postulates of our law firm are the following:

  • А professional, dedicated and confidential relationship with the client and the engagement;
  • Еfficiency and expeditiousness in our work;
  • Productivity and execution of the clients’ needs and requests;
  • Professional development of knowledge, practice and experience in our specialized fields;
  • Team work;
  • Personal and moral standing of the legal team;
  • Successful exercise of the traditional function of defending the freedom, independence, civil rights, humanism and human dignity in defenceof the clients’ legal rights.

    Igor Markovski



    Dragana Mirovska


    Metodij Dimitrovski


    Sofija Uzunova


    Bojan Stojanovski


    Veronika Petrevska


    Connect with us

    Contact our professional team, who will be fully dedicated to your needs.
